Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tiziana Andina

Università degli Studi di Torino

Curriculum Vitae

Tiziana Andina studied philosophy at the University of Turin. In 2003 she received her PhD with a thesis entitled “Friedrich Nietzsche e l’estetica della percezione indiretta” (2004, “Friedrich Nietzsche and the Aesthetics of the indirect perception”) at the University of Palermo. Since 2006, she was Assistant Professor at the Department for Philosophy of the University of Turin, where she is Associate Professor since 2015. Professor Andina was a visiting scholar at Columbia University from 2008 to 2009 and a Visiting Professor and Scholar at Saint-Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO) in 2014. Her research interests focus on the fields of Theoretical Philosophy, Philosophy of Art, as well as on Ontology and Aesthetics. From March to September 2015 Tiziana Andina was Fellow at the Käte Hamburger Center for Advanced Study in the Humanities “Law as Culture”.

Research project

Embodied Meanings and Normativity. For a New Concept of Art

The contemporary art world – namely, the current artistic and cultural situation, which has come to be at the beginning of the twentieth century – has led to a process of profound rethinking of the relationship between art and law. The relationship between art and law is inherent in the very concept of art and is as old as the history of the arts. In particular, the relationship between art and law, as it has structured itself from the beginning of the twentieth century, performs two vital functions – one of which is intrinsic to the concept of art, the other being extrinsic – the understanding of which is essential to investigate the contemporary art world. In this context, my research will serve two purposes: 1. The revision of the traditional concept of contemporary art in the light of artistic practices introduced by the avant-garde and consolidated in the so-called post-historical arts; 2. The conceptualization and formation of guide lines for the creation of a "European art world" able to implement good practices for the protection, preservation and fruition of the European artistic heritage, including contemporary artistic production (including what in literature is defined as “immaterial art”).

Selected publications

  • The Disenfranchisement of Justice. An Ontology for Social Reality, London-New York: Palgrave Macmillan (forthcoming).
  • Bridging the Analytical-Continental Divide. A Companion to Contemporary Western Philosophy (ed.), Leiden-Boston: Brill 2014.
  • Filosofie dell’arte. Da Hegel a Danto, Roma: Carocci; 1a ristampa 2012 (English translation (by Natalia Iacobelli): The Philosophy of Art: The Question of Definition. From Hegel to Post-Dantian Theories, London-New York: Bloomsbury Publishing 2013; Paperback edition 2014.
  • Arthur Danto: un filosofo pop, Roma: Carocci 2010 (English translation: Arthur Danto: Philosopher of Pop, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing Italian Books 2011.
  • Confini sfumati. I problemi dell’arte, le soluzioni della percezione, Milano: Mimesis 2009.
  • Il problema della percezione nella filosofia di Nietzsche, Milano: AlboVersorio 2005.
  • Percezione e rappresentazione. Alcune ipotesi tra Gombrich e Arnheim, Palermo: Aesthetica Preprint 2005.
  • Il volto americano di Nietzsche, Napoli: La Città del Sole 1999.