Nina Dethloff (Bonn), Werner Gephart (Bonn), Clemens Albrecht (Bonn): Recht im Globalisierungsprozess

This podium event addresses a topic central to the Center’s work, namely to what extent progressing processes of globalization are aided by or reflected in law in the field of tension between judicial universalization and legal-cultural particularization. From a judicial perspective, it is important to overcome the growing heterogeneity of sources of validity connected to globalization processes. The primacy of nation-state legislation has given way to a legal pluralism in which national, supranational, and international law compete, interact, and intertwine with each other in various areas and at different levels. The realm of the normative has become more complex!

Prof. Dr. Nina Dethloff, Institute for German, European, and International Family Law
Prof. Dr. Werner Gephart, Käte Hamburger Center for Advanced Study “Law as Culture”
Prof. Dr. Clemens Albrecht, Institute for Political Sciences and Sociology

Admission to this event is free. Registration information will be made available soon.