Dr. phil. (pending) Emma Patchett

King's College, London

Curriculum Vitae

Emma Patchett studierte von 2004 bis 2007 Englisch und Englische Literatur am King's College in London. 2007 nahm sie das Studium der International and European Human Rights an der University of Leeds auf, das sie 2008 mit dem Master of Laws (LL.M.) abschloss.
2015 wurde Emma Patchett an der Universität Münster promoviert, wo sie als Research Fellow des internationalen Marie Curie Initial Traning Network "Diasporic Constructions of Home and Belonging"(CoHaB) tätig war. Ihre Dissertation behandelt das Thema "Rethinking Diaspora: Law, Literature and the Roma". Von Juni bis September 2016 arbeitete Emma Patchett als Visiting Research Fellow am Menzies Centre for Australian Studies, King's College, London, wo sie sich auf die narrative Konstruktion  rechtsräumlicher Vorstellungen im Kontext gegenwärtigen Einwanderungsrechts in Literatur und Film spezialisierte.

Von Oktober bis Dezember 2016 sowie von April bis Juni 2017 war Emma Patchett Fellow am Käte Hamburger Kolleg "Recht als Kultur".


Autopoesis, diaspora legal cultures and the European spatial imaginary

At a time when the European spatial imaginary is under threat, it is important to develop innovative critical legal research which explores the pluralist network evoked through minority jurisprudence, and to consider how this plays into the concept of autopoetic culture and the force of law. This research therefore aims to ask questions about the binding force of law beyond pluralism, as a critique of differentiation and a turn towards a new reading of Niklas Luhmann’s autopoetic theory. This interdisciplinary research regards critical legal analysis as the most effective means of encountering and translating interaction between minority legal orders and the spatial imaginary within an autopoetic context , contributing to the conceptual and comparative debates about legal cultures of differentiation within the wider social space of the European project, focusing specifically on three courts : Kris (Roma diaspora), shar’ia (muslim diaspora) and Beth Din (Jewish diaspora) in the context of Western European member states. Whilst a functional spatial imaginary requires a recognition of interrelations within a broader topography, even to begin to acknowledge the presence of minority and diaspora legal orders demands a progressive rethinking of space.

Publikationen (Auswahl)

  • 2017 Spatial Justice and Diaspora. Co-edited with Sarah Keenan. Oxford: Counter Press.
  • 2016 – ‘Overlapping Sovereignties: Legal Diaspora Studies and the Literary Text’ In Diaspora, Law and Literature. 135 - 153. Edited by Klaus Stierstorfer and Daniela Carpi. Berlin, De Gruyter
  • 2016 - ‘The Unbearable Weight of Staying’ , Critical Legal Thinking, 4th July http://criticallegalthinking.com/2016/07/04/unbearable-weight-staying/
  • 2015 – ‘The Right to Respect for Home: Roma, Material Spaces, and the Interpretative Potential of Article 8’, Today's Children are Tomorrow's Parents 40/41, 81-95.
  • 2015 - La Zone: In/habitation in the itinerant city’ Global Jurist 13.2, 175 – 194.
  • 2014- ‘Roma, rhizomes and roots in rough soil: cultivating trans-territoriality in law and film’ Australian Feminist Law Journal 39.1, 57-78.
  • 2014 - ‘The right to free movement as temporal deterritorialization in the landscaped garden’ Pólemos 8.2, 253–273.
  • 2014 – ‘Two stone lions: Law, home, and diasporic sovereignty’ Symbolism: An International Annual of Critical Aesthetics 14, 131-148.
  • 2014 - 'The Big Gap Beyond? Property, Planning and Space’ Feminists @Law 4/2. http://journals.kent.ac.uk/index.php/feministsatlaw/article/view/127/305
  • 2013 - ‘Corpus cartography’: diasporic identity as flesh and blood’ Journal of Postcolonial Cultures and Societies 4.3, 51 -67.