Final Conference - The Käte Hamburger Center “Law as Culture”: Reflecting on a Paradigm and a Format of Knowledge (Online Conference)

Closing rituals have their own logic: Melancholy is banned while a kind of festive mood is supposed to set in, one that reminds us of both past feelings of attachment and the future that lies ahead. This is also the case for actual mourning rituals: Providing a sense of identity for a community that is to live on in new forms. To do so, one must make sure of the past, be it a family history or the story of a nation or an “institution.” Our program attempts to incorporate all of these elements: It requires looking back at the Center’s developmental dynamics, in which the unfolding of the “Law as Culture” paradigm played no small role.

This creates the theoretical space for individual narratives about particular thematic foci of our work, which is reflected not least in the wide-ranging analysis of normativities, spanning from good manners to pandemic ethics, digital normativity, or the relationship to nature. Outstanding artists who have joined us as Artists in Residence will talk about their experiences with the cross-pollination of research and art. Thus, we will once again reflexively turn to the question of what constitutes the special charm of and the epistemological opportunities at the Käte Hamburger Centers, unique institutes placed between the pre-modern, aristocratic model à la manière de Saint-Simon and hypermodern think tanks!

You can join the zoom meeting using the following link:
Meeting-ID: 648 9805 9942
Kenncode: 342685

The invitation flyer with the complete program can be found here and here, the poster for the conference here.