Xujun Gao - The German-Chinese "Rule of Law Dialogue": Effects and Outlook


“Since its initiation in the year 2000, the ‘German-Chinese Rule of Law Dialogue’ aims at the establishment of a ‘rule of law-state’ in China by promoting and accompanying reforms of the judicial and legal system. Dozens of conferences have been organized within the framework of this program, and legal cooperation initiatives between the German and Chinese government have been carried out in a broad range of legal fields. Furthermore, an active cooperation between law schools of German and Chinese universities has been established. During the last years, the German criticism concerning key issues of the program has increased: mainly, China is accused of not having improved the human rights situation and of not having effectively improved the rule of law situation. This research project will evaluate the program’s effects in China and explore the reasons of its success or failure, by drawing attention on the special Chinese social and cultural background.”

Professor Dr. Xujun Gao


Curriculum Vitae

Professor Dr. jur. Xujun Gao ist seit 2003 Direktor des German- and EU-Law Center an der Law School der Tongji Universität Shanghai. Am dortigen Chinesisch-Deutschen Hochschulkolleg (CDHK) hat er ebenfalls seit 2003 den ThyssenKrupp AG Stiftungslehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsprivatrecht inne. Zuletzt war er Humboldt-Forschungsstipendiat an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin und an der University of Cambridge. Seit Juli 2012 ist Xujun Gao Fellow am Käte Hamburger Kolleg „Recht als Kultur“, wo er an seinem Forschungsprojekt „The role of German influence on the transformation of the modern Chinese legal system“ arbeitet. Neben zahlreichen eigenen Forschungsbeiträgen hat Herr Professor Gao durch die Übersetzung des rechtssoziologischen Lehrbuchs von Thomas Raiser aktiv zum deutsch-chinesischen Kulturtransfer beigetragen.