Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jacques Commaille

(Sociologist (sociology of law), École normale Prof. Dr. Jacques Comaillesupérieure de Cachan, em.)

Editor of the journal Droit et Société and president of the Fondation Réseau Français des Institutes d’Études Avancées.

Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Jacques Commaille was voted Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Käte Hamburger Center for Advanced Study in the Humanities "Law as Culture" for a period of three years on April 8, 2011.

Curriculum vitae

Research interests

Political sociology of law: process of legal drafting (notably politics of justice, legal dimension of public action, legal regulation and political regulation).

Recent work

  • Participation in the colloquium in honor of Jean Carbonnier “Les usages des grand auteurs de sociologie générale dans l’œuvre de Jean Carbonnier”, Carré des Sciences, December 12, 2005.
  • Drafting of article “Sociology of Law” in the Encyclopedia Universalis.
  • Preparation of a co-authored work on the political function of justice, to appear under Presses Universitaires de Grennoble in the collection “Symposium”.


My first works on the sociology of decisions represented a prelude to my investigations into law and justice, which have increasingly taken account of their political dimension. Law and justice are particularly well suited in revealing the political and social process as lying in the heart of societies, and, as such, their study can contribute to general theories of societies and their evolution. It is within this field, that my contribution to a sociology of public action resides, which lies at the heart of the laboratory’s research project.

Teaching obligations

  • DEA de sociologie du droit, Université Panthéon-Assas Paris II (1990-2003)
  • DEA « Politiques publiques et gouvernements comparés », Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Lyon (2001-2002).
  • Professor invited to the European Master of the Académie Européenne de Théorie du Droit, Bruxelles (depuis1991).
  • Director of the DEA « Action publique et sociétés contemporaines », Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan (1999-2005).
  • M2, Ecole normale supérieure de Cachan - Université Paris X-Nanterre (since 2005).
  • Magistère d'Humanités Modernes, 2 e année, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan - Université de Paris X-Nanterre (2001-2005).
  • M1, Ecole normale supérieure de Cachan - Université de Paris X-Nanterre (since 2005)
  • Responsible for the teaching module « Economie et Sociologie du droit », Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan - Antenne de Bretagne, Magistère puis M1 « Economie - Droit - Gestion » (since 2002).