Nina Dethloff (Bonn): “Hybride Rechtsordnungen in Europa im Globalisierungsprozess”


Pluralism of legal sources and norms with non-statal origins are no new phenomena. What is new, however, is their dimension. They are global and have led to a plurality of legal orders and legal sources on various levels that is nigh on impossible to survey. Nina Dethloff investigates the diverse forms of interplay between them and highlights different processes of hybridization. Uniform law is shaped by elements of different national and supranational laws and regulations, but in turn also influences legislation on various levels. Thereby, the increasing creation of uniform law leads to a hybridization of legal orders. Private codes may not draw legal force from within, but they are ascribed stately validity in many ways in the supranational context. This already occurs at present through the choice of law in courts of arbitration, when arbitral awards are enforced by the state, or conceivably also by virtue of an order by a state court on the conflict of laws. Further, processes of transformation are gaining strength in which “academic” law becomes state law and is involved in the formation of hybrids at the legislative stage.

Professor Dr. Nina Dethloff, Universität Bonn


Curriculum Vitae

Nina Dethloff holds the Chair for Private Law, Private International Law, Comparative Law and European Private Law and is Director of the Institute for German, European and International Family Law at the University of Bonn. She studied law in Hamburg, Geneva and Freiburg. She received an LL.M. at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. on a Fulbright scholarship. In 1986 and 1987, she worked as consultant to the Federal Trade Commission, Washington, D.C. and was admitted to the New York bar in 1987. In 1991, Nina Dethloff received her doctorate degree at the University of Freiburg, where she subsequently completed her habilitation with a work on the "Europeanization of Competition Law" ("Europäisierung des Wettbewerbsrechts"). Since 2001, Nina Dethloff researches and teaches at the University of Bonn, having turned down invitations from the University of Hamburg and the University of Lausanne. From 2006 to 2008, she was ad hoc judge at the European Court of Human Rights.
Nina Dethloff is member of the Ständige Deputation (standing deputation) of the Association of German Jurists, the board of the International Society of Family Law, as well member of the American Law Institute, the Commission on European Family Law and the Academia Europaea. She has published extensively on comparative and international family law.

Selected Publications

  • Familienrecht, Munich, 30. Edition 2012.
  • Unterhalt, Zugewinn- und Versorgungsausgleich - Sind unsere familienrechtlichen Ausgleichssysteme noch zeitgemäß? Gutachten A für den 67. Deutschen Juristentag, Munich 2008.
  • Europäisierung des Wettbewerbsrechts. Einfluss des europäischen Rechts auf das Sach- und Kollisionsrecht des unlauteren Wettbewerbs, Tübingen 2001.
  • Die einverständliche Scheidung. Eine rechtsvergleichende und rechtshistorische Untersuchung zu Umfang und Grenzen der Privatautonomie im Scheidungsrecht, Munich 1994.
  • Contracting in Family Law - A European Perspective, in: Boele/Woelki/Miles/Scherpe (Hrsg.), The future of family property in Europe, Intersentia, Cambridge 2011, 65 - 94.
  • Familien- und Erbrecht zwischen nationaler Rechtskultur, Vergemeinschaftung und Internationalität - Perspektiven für die Forschung, Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht 2007, 992 - 1005.
  • Europäische Vereinheitlichung des Familienrechts, Archiv für civilistische Praxis 204 (2004), 544 - 568.