Matthias Herdegen - The Dynamics of International Law in a Globalised World


International Law is one of the forces catalysing economic (and also cultural) globalisation, through liberalising international trade, fostering regional integration, protecting foreign investment, providing for assistance to development and stabilizing monetary relations. The process of globalisation also changed structures of international law. The interplay of international law and globalisation has a considerable impact on rule-making, the democratic process, socio-economic choices as well as cultural diversity. This affects the balance of the values which underlie the international community. The great potential of the emerging regime lies in enhancing “good governance”, sustainable development, freedom of individual choices and rationality as well as “corporate social responsibility”. The systemic integration of international economic law and human rights remains an ongoing challenge.


Prof. Dr. Matthias Herdegen

Director of the Institute for Public Law and Director at the Institute for Public International Law, University of Bonn

Fellow at the Käte Hamburger Center for Advanced Study in the Humanities “Law as Culture”