Film screening: "Lady Judges of Pakistan"

The documentary film “Lady Judges of Pakistan” (Insights 2013) by Livia and Marius Holden follows legal proceedings in the law courts presided over by women-judges in the four provinces of Pakistan, offering fundamental insights in the socio-legal context that the women judges are grappling with.

Livia Holden is Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences and Chairperson of Behavioural Sciences at Karakoram International University at Gilgit, Pakistan, and currently works at LOEWE Research Focus “Extrajudicial and Judicial Conflict Resolution” at Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University, Frankfurt. Professor Holden’s research focuses on state law, religious law, and mixed sources of law and their implications with questions of gender, human rights and governance in South Asia (Pakistan and India) and in the diasporas.