Dr. Valentino Cattelan

Saudi-Spanish Center for Islamic Economics and Finance, IE Business School, Madrid

Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Valentino Cattelan ist Rechtswissenschaftler. Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte sind die Vergleichenden Rechtswissenschaften, das Islamische Recht sowie die Wirtschafts- und Finanzwissenschaften. Seit 2016 ist Valentino Cattelan als Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Saudi-Spanish Center for Islamic Economics and Finance (SCIEF), IE Business School (Madrid) tätig. Zuvor hatte Valentino Cattelan Lehr- und Forschungsaufträge an der Universität Rom Tor Vergata (2010 bis 2013), dem Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies (2013 bis 2014) sowie der Universiät Florenz (2014 bis 2015) inne. Im Jahr 2017 war er Senior Research Fellow am Max-Planck-Institut for Social Anthropology (Department of Law & Anthropology) in Halle. Des Weiteren ist er seit 2017 Teaching Fellow für das Graduiertenprogramm der Islam- und Geisteswissenschaften (Modul „Islamic Law, Ethics and Society“) des Instituts of Ismaili Studies in London.
Dr. Valentino Cattelan studierte an der School of Law der Universität Rom Tor Vergata, wo er jeweils einen Abschluss der Rechtswissenschaften (LL.B. + LL.M) sowie der Vergleichenden Rechtwissenschaften (LL.M) erhielt. Im Jahr 2009 erlangte er den Doktorgrad in Recht und Wirtschaft mit einer Arbeit zum Thema „Babel, Islamic Contract Law and Derivatives. How to Structure Shari‘ah-Compliant Financial Options“ von der Universität Sienna. Während des Promotionsstudiums war Valentino Cattelan Gastwissenschaftler an der School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) der Universität London.
Valentino Cattelan hat zahlreiche Zeitschriftenartikel und Buchbeiträge zur islamischen Jurisprudenz, zum islamischen Finanzrecht, zum islamischen Eigentumsrecht sowie zur Erkenntnistheorie der islamischen Wirtschaft publiziert. Darüber hinaus ist er Herausgeber der Werke „Islamic Finance in Europe: Towards a Plural Financial System” (Edward Elgar, 2013) und “Islamic Social Finance: Entrepreneurship, Cooperation and the Sharing Economy” (Routledge, im Erscheinen 2018).

Von April bis September 2018 war Dr. Valentino Cattelan Fellow am Käte Hamburger Kolleg „Recht als Kultur“ in Bonn.


Valentino Cattelan verbindet in seinen Forschungsprojekten die Disziplinen Recht, Wirtschaft, Kultur und Religion. Er interessiert sich insbesondere für den Vergleich zwischen westlichem Kapitalismus und islamischem Finanzwesen sowie zwischen westlichen und islamischen Rechtstraditionen.


From the Island of Stone Money to the Archipelago of Islamic Finance. Reading Mangan’s Limits to Growth as an Exploration into Law, Economy and Cultures

Dr Cattelan’s research project aims at exploring the connection between law and economy from an inter- and trans-cultural perspective. More precisely, it looks at the “archipelago” of Islamic finance as a socio-economic space of legal hybridization and cultural exchange (with consequent phenomena of encounter, conflict and reconciliation among different legal cultures) to draw interpretive clues about the patterns of differentiation cultures practiced in contemporary capitalism. To this objective, the project takes inspiration from the artwork by Nicholas Mangan Limits to Growth, 2016 (as displayed at the KW Institute of Contemporary Art in Berlin in June-August 2017), and the conceptual relationship that it makes between the ancient Yapese currency, rai, in the form of stone money, and the contemporary crypto-currency of bitcoins. Their juxtaposed story of production, consumption and circulation, as well as of re-evaluation, is extended to Islamic finance as an archipelago of meaning where monetary value, although originally “carved” via (closed) criteria of “shari‘ah compliance,” is “sold” to the (open) market through state-law mechanisms and by following practices of standardization, secularisation and “otherness” that inherently belong to modern capitalism.
Within this background, inter-linked issues of legal hybridization as a “threat” to the differentiation culture of Islamic finance and the corresponding persistence of a “shari‘ah risk” related to the products exchanged by the “sailors” of this archipelago are explored in the light of the conceptual and methodological means of the Humanities. In particular, the project highlights the extent to which both the “merchants of Venice” and the “merchants of Mecca” that navigate this market are subject to identical strong “winds” of transnational and cross-cultural socio-economic interaction, and hence of formulation and re-formulation of meaning in the open global market.

Publikationen (Auswahl)

  • Cattelan, V. (forthcoming, 2018, ed.), Islamic Social Finance: Entrepreneurship, Cooperation and the Sharing Economy, London and New York: Routledge
  • Cattelan, V. (2017), “Between theory(-ies) and practice(-s): legal devices (hiyal) in classical Islamic law”, Arab Law Quarterly, 31 (3), pp. 245-275
  • Cattelan, V. (2017), “Legal pluralism, property rights and the paradigm of Islamic economics”, JKAU: Islamic Economics, 30 (1), pp. 21-36
  • Cattelan, V. (2016), “Alice’s Adventures, abductive reasoning and the logic of Islamic law”, International Journal for the Semiotics of Law, 29 (2) (Special Issue “Islamic law: its sources, interpretation, its economics, finance and the translation between it and laws written in English”), pp. 359-388
  • Cattelan, V. (2014), “In the Name of God: managing risk in Islamic finance”, Eabh Working Papers Series, no. 14-07, available at http://www.eabh.info/publications/eabhpapers, pp. 1-14
  • Cattelan, V. (2013, ed.), Islamic Finance in Europe: Towards a Plural Financial System. Studies in Islamic Finance, Accounting and Governance, Cheltenham, UK - Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar.
  • Cattelan, V. (2013), “Property (mal) and credit relations in Islamic law: an explanation of dayn and the function of legal personality (dhimma)”, Arab Law Quarterly, 27 (2), pp. 189-202
  • Cattelan, V. (2011), “A new model for options in Islamic law”, in Hassan, K.M., & Mahlknecht, M. (eds.), Islamic Capital Markets: Products and Strategies, London: Wiley Int., pp. 201-217
  • Cattelan, V. (2010), “Islamic finance and ethical investments. Some points of reconsideration”, in Khan, M.F., & Porzio, M. (eds.), Islamic Banking and Finance in the European Union. A Challenge, Cheltenham, UK - Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, pp. 76-87
  • Cattelan, V. (2009), “From the concept of haqq to the prohibitions of riba, gharar and maysir in Islamic finance”, International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance, 2(3/4), pp. 384-397