Petar Bojanić (Belgrad/Rijeka/Bonn): La catégorie de "discipline" et la "discipline" institutionnelle


In this talk I would like to reflect on discipline as a category (as opposed to other possibilities, such as notion, structure, norm, protocol, etc.), and explain the quotation marks in the title, as they can always follow and amend the word discipline. My intention is to reconstruct a decades-long resistance to discipline (as punishment, control, violent pedagogy, militarism, fanaticism, masculinity, unfreedom), and to uncover the origin of praise for self-discipline, un-discipline or interdisciplinarity. Further, I would like to offer a few arguments in favor of discipline as one of the most important protocols of social ontology, and the conditionless condition of cooperation, life and group work. Discipline is joint learning, as well as production and a nurturing of knowledge that constitutes and sustains an institution. The question is whether individuals' discipline indeed makes an institution necessarily better or more just.

Prof. Dr. Petar Bojanić


Curriculum vitae

Petar Bojanić is director of the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory (IFDT) and of the Centre for Ethics, Law and Applied Philosophy (CELAP) in Belgrade. Moreover, he is director of the Center for Advanced Studies – South East Europe (CAS) at the University of Rijeka since its founding in 2013. He has held numerous fellowships and visiting professorships, inter alia at the Society for Humanities at Cornell University (USA), at the Centre for Modern Thought at the University of Aberdeen (Great Britain), at the Institute of Advanced Studies at the University of Bologna (Italy), and at KWI Essen (Germany). Following a first research stay at the Käte Hamburger Center for Advanced Study in the Humanities “Law as Culture” from June to September 2014, he is, as of April 2016, once again Fellow in Bonn.